
неділя, 25 січня 2015 р.

Data -  19th – 25th
Topic: Business Cost. Money.
On the 16 th to his working week I got to perform various tasks. Among the tasks substantially all light and clear, but the first zavNa by creating your own blog on Blogger for me it was not so hard, and is no longer clear, but after watching the video became a little clearer. I already have created a blog, but anyway still need to understand that there are useless.
Online meeting this week were mostly about money. We have to specify what country belongs to a certain currency .. We also watched a video about Martin Luther King. In face-to-face meeting was the theme of ordinal numbers.

1 коментар:

  1. Hello at your blog, Volodymyr. Glad that you have already created it. Sorry, that you have missed our on-line meeting and again will be absent later, but you can watch them on-line.
    A few words about your post - I mean about English language - please use google-translator only for words not whole sentences. google can't translate sentences correct.
